Known as the pitch, a rugby playing field is a large grassy or turf surface 100 meters long and 70 meters wide with uprights on each end. Behind the uprights is the goal area, which has to be 10 meters deep at minimum and is usually 22 meters in depth. Line markings are illustrated in the diagram below.


A rugby field is simular or maybe even the same as a football field. It consists of lines of penalty and lines of play. I find that if you play on turf, you get carpet burns, rips up knees and elbows and you get plenty of little black turf in your mouth and in your clothes, but you dont trip on the grass cause its too long. On real grass when it is too long, rugby players tend to trip while tackling or when they are running to the try line. I find it very important to have good cleets because the cleets help you stay grounded.

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