Girls Rugby

About Girls Rugby

 Girls rugby is amazing & simple. If you follow the rules and have sportsmanship, it might become your favorite sport. You can play 7s 10s or 15s. The number just means how many players are on the field.

Rugby is simple. One of the most simple  is that you have the pass the ball backwards, if you pass it forwards you get a penalty. If you catch the ball and it falls in front of you, it’s called a knock on and at that point you either get a penalty or do a scrum or line out. A scrum is 3, 5 or 8 man play depends on how many players are on the field. It’s when he 2 teams are fighting for the ball. The positions in a scrum are 2 props, 1 hooker. The hooker is the person that tries to hook the ball back to their team with their feet, the props are the supporters. After that there are 2 second rows, to make the scrum stronger. And finally there is an 8 man, the 8 man guides the scrum and is the final person to touch the ball. All those position are put into a category called the fowards.Theres another category called the backs which id the girls who run the fastest. There’s the scrum half and fly half that are sort or part of the category or forwards because they pass out to the runners who are called: left wing, inside center outside center right wing and full back.



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